"Blessed be: the meek, the silent, the fruit!"
We had an interesting and stimulating book group last night..
We reviewed the Husband's Secret. A convoluted story of extramarital sex, lust, revenge and murder. A letter that was read posthumously started the chaos. we felt that this book was well written and a statement on morality and forgiveness. A curious epilogue revealed that the teenager's murder was complicated by a medical condition.. did her kill her? or just inflict harm that lead to death? Thought provoking, disturbing and well written.
We rated this book a 3
The Handmaid's Tale lead us to some parallels to current day. Themes of Patriarchy, loss of women's rights's, corruption and oppression. This book was scary and dark and left us hanging... We had a great discussion with many diverse ideas about this book and the concerns it raised for us in the present day.
I loved Nancy's remark "...Pay attention and take notes" ( maybe not her exact words- but sure got me thinking. Nancy- please feel free to comment)
Interestingly Nancy and Kathy rated this book a 5, but with the averaging, it came out as a 3.
Again we talked about reading classics, and how to pick those books.
The next books are Kitchen Confidential and Before We Were Yours.
We will meet on October 20 (rather than our previously scheduled 27th) at Nancy's home. On December 8 we will meet at Lonnie's
Upcoming dates in 2019 are: January 19, March 2, April 13, May 25, July 6, August 17, September 28, November 9 and December 21.